Exam time for lots of you!

I remember my dance exams.Spraying the little tails of my ballet shoe ribbons with Elnett hairspray to keep them tucked in!  My bun weighing my little head down! The tension in the air as we waited to be called in by the examiner. Always a lady of a certain age, always with an air of authority and always absolutely terrifying!

My daughter assures me the examiners are very friendly these days. A sign of the times I suppose!

Exam day still is very exciting for the participants and still  terrifying for their mothers. Whether it is ballet, tap, modern, everyone has put in many hours of rehearsal to perfect their technique. The teachers have patiently corrected and encouraged pupils. The exam should be a time to celebrate all the effort put in. So go into that room, smile and enjoy it!

Here at www.balletballet.uk we know how important it is to be 'spick and span' for your big day. Why not  take a look. New satin shoes, tights and socks to shine in. And don't forget once you have passed you will go into the next grade, so come and see us for your next leotard

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